SASS DAI BEC (2562 Altitude)
Northern side.
Short and intermediate tour. The peak is an outstanding point of view over the nearby Fanis range.
From the Lavarella hut, as in itinerary n. 12 until Jù de Limo. For an easier itinerary and to avoid the most complicated terrain undulations and slopes, take the right (SSW direction) aiming for a marked and high hollow on the northern side, between the two better marked northern spurs of the mountain. Climb carefully up in serpentine until reaching the head of said hollow, at the point where the rocky belt is lowest. Pass over it (with your skies on the backpack) and exit on the vast cap at the summit. The peak is at the northern extremity and is reached over moderate and wide inclines.
2 - 3 hours
Retrace the ascent itinerary. From the peak, walk down the summit slopes (be careful approaching the rocky gap). Step down the gap and put on the skis and then descend as in the ascent itinerary, avoiding, if possible, the rocky irregularities. When the incline softens, take a valley on the left (where the snow conditions are almost always best than on the other itineraries), which is steeper but safer, and then, over open slopes, to the Jù de Limo and the Lavarella mountain hut.
- Flat terrain, with a soft slope, wide, it is possible to proceed without an obligated route
- Terrain very steep, narrow space, sometimes exposed. it is not possible to bend to one's liking, as the bends are imposed by the terrain difficulty and shape
- Good skier: he can confidently engage in S3 descends; he can manage descends ot the higher difficulty type as well, as long as they are not continuous or very long
- Ski skins
502 m